Policy for Moderation of Resident Reviews

Last update: 11/15/2022
Reviews are subject to both automated processes and a human check for inappropriate language or other content. These rules include, but are not limited to:
  • Reviews in a language other than English or the language used in the applicable listing
  • Anything containing or depicting violence, pornography, serious injury or death
  • Calls for legal action
  • Content that is spam, fraudulent, or a duplication of another piece of content
  • Content that contains an inappropriate photo or video
  • Inappropriate/unusable content, including:
    • Random characters, meaningless word strings, or unintelligible text
    • If a user says something violent, drug-related, obviously unlawful, or sexual in nature
    • Inappropriate comments directed at another resident or property employees
    • Discriminatory statements: includes derogatory comments based on physical attributes, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability or age
    • Any profanity (including creative spellings such as #$%, but not including euphemisms such as “freaking”, “fricking”, “dang”, “darn”, etc.), obscenity, or inappropriate slang
    • The impersonation of any person or entity or forging of any e-mail communication or any part of a message
    • Inconsistency between rating and review content
    • Personally identifiable information, including first and last names, addresses, or phone numbers
    • Mentions of other rental properties or websites
    • Communication attempts clearly not intended as reviews
    • Misrepresentation of resident status
  • Content that violates the Fair Housing Act, including contents that are discriminatory based on:
    • Sex or sexual orientation
    • Age
    • Children/familial status
    • Handicap
    • Student status
    • Race, color, or religion
Reviews marked as “Flagged as Abusive” by responding property managers or consumers will be reviewed against these content standards. If it is deemed that they have been posted in error, they will be removed.