RentFacts. 2024 Renter Preference Report

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Renters share key factors that help them decide on their next property.  

2024 is the year of the fast and savvy renter. Most renters are digital experts and find new places at record speed, which means it’s critical for properties to pull out all the stops online. Download the report for full results on renter preferences. 

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Download the report to discover:

  • How rich and efficient online experiences help renters find places fast 
  • Why it’s critical for properties to provide information-rich digital experiences 
  • What prompts faster tour bookings, and which tour scheduling methods renters prefer 
  • How ILS is still at the forefront of a renter’s search 
  • Core digital channels that stay influential throughout the renter journey
  • Top reasons why renters won’t sign a lease
  • Solutions for elevating the renter journey to convert quicker 

Renters are finding places months sooner than they expect to. 

86% of renters say they are finding places in less than four months, even though they expect the process to take longer. Download the report to get full results on how fast renters find a place. 

Renters want convenience and efficiency. 

When asked about what drives them to book a tour, renters shared that automated scheduling was often preferred and they book quickly. 61% of renters request a tour within 24 hours of researching a property. Find out how to get more booked tours for your property based on the latest data. 

Core digital channels influence every phase of the renter’s journey to finding a place. 

Renters shared that ILS, the property website, ratings & reviews, and search engines heavily influenced their decision process. Learn more about which channels renters use most to discover and decide on a property. 

The research you need to optimize renter experiences at your property.

Renter behavior has changed in a big way, but new insights can keep you from missing out on fast-moving renters. Fill out the form to download your RentFacts. 2024 Renter Preference Report to see how your property can deliver seamless experiences for renters.

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